2024 National Student Floristry Competition
Katrina Ciechowski- Padstow TAFE 1st Place 2021
‘It Takes Two’
2024 national student floristry competition launched!!!
Our national competition has been running since 2008 and is a very special annual event exclusive to Certificate lll students enrolled at a registered training organization.
This year, students will be asked to design and make 2 pieces, a hand tied bunch and a wearable item (such as a corsage, buttonhole/boutonniere, or a hairpiece). These must be complementary in style, colours and materials. Many inspirations to choose from – real or imaginary! A wedding, a special birthday, an anniversary, baby shower or farewell party or …
Entrants will also need to create a display to stage their entries, choosing styling and props to highlight their entry.
Students will use mainly fresh materials - up to a maximum of 20% of materials may be dried and/or preserved. Importantly, at least 75% of the total plant material used in the design must be wildflowers and foliages from species endemic to Australia or botanically related South African species; up to 25% may be traditional/exotic or tropical flowers.
We want the designs to be presented as ‘eco’ friendly - no dyed, bleached or otherwise processed plant materials.
Once staged, students will photograph their work and submit 3 photos along with their design notes, plant list and research task.
Toni Johnson- SM TAFE 1st Prize 2020
Students must enter through their teachers. The competition links to several units in the Certificate III curriculum allowing teachers to schedule the competition to address core study units.
All competition information has been sent to teachers on our database. If you need to know more, please email management@wildflowersaustralia.com.au
Teachers play a very important role in this competition. They encourage each student and assess each entry according to set assessment criteria, before finally collating and submitting all the entries from their students by Wednesday September 19, 2024.
You can view entries and winners from 2018 - 2023 on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pg/wildflowers.australia/photos/?tab=albums