

WFA is the peak national body representing the many members of the Australian wildflower industry - growers, flower wholesalers, exporters and importers, flower and foliage buyers, plant growers and researchers as well as State based Industry bodies.

Our industry members grow and market cut flowers, foliage and related products sourced from a wide range of Australian and closely related South African species for the floristry industry. 

WFA remains one of the few true associations operating in the Australian flower industry.

WFA plays a vital role in connecting its members to the latest news and technical information, the industry to retailers and the media, and playing host to industry-specific events.

Photo credit: Haley Kigbo

Why you should join WFA

• Industry Events: meetings, field days, webinars, conferences – members get discounted rates

• Industry Representation to Government bodies 

• Support of the National Student Floristry Competition 

• Technical Information - Member Library - key resources organized so you can easily access a wealth of industry information

• Members Newsletter & Regular Email Alerts 

• Hardcopy Subscription: Flowers - The Australian flower and foliage industry magazine (6 issues p.a.). WFA includes a page of industry news in each issue.

• Digital subscription: FloraCulture International magazine – your gateway to global ornamental horticulture 

• Export promotions and marketing 

• Representation on National issues such as biosecurity and pesticides access 

• Support for State and Local issues  

• Business networking opportunities – including members only contact list 

• Tailored events for new growers

• Research and Development support


  • General Industry Member

    For growers, wholesalers, exporters, consultants, plant growers, plant breeders, research/educational institutions.

  • Florist/Student Associate Member

    For florists and student florists.

  • Gold Member

    For businesses wanting to promote their services through WFA.

  • Association Member

    This membership allows an association to share our newsletter with its members.