Florist Associate/Student Membership

WFA offers a FLORIST ASSOCIATE/STUDENT MEMBERSHIP to florists, student florists and floriculture/horticulture students.


• Industry Events: meetings, field days, webinars, conferences

• Industry Representation to Government bodies 

• Support the National Student Floristry Competition 

• Technical Information - Member Library - key resources organized so you can easily access a wealth of industry information

• Members Newsletter & Regular Email Alerts 

• Hardcopy Subscription: Flowers - The Australian flower and foliage industry magazine (6 issues p.a.). WFA includes a page of industry news in each issue.

• Digital subscription: FloraCulture International magazine – your gateway to global ornamental horticulture 

• Representation on National issues such as biosecurity and pesticides access 

• Support for State and Local issues  

• Business networking opportunities – members only contact list

• Research and Development support

Photo credit: Haley Kigbo

Florist Associate/Student Member
Every year

For florists, student florists and floriculture/horticulture students. Students receive this discounted membership for a maximum of 3 years.

✓ Technical Information- Member Library key resources
✓ Members only seasonal Newsletter (4 p.a)
✓ Floriculture magazine subcriptions
✓ Discounted registration for our industry events
✓ Network with members through our members contact list