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Recent Event: New Grower’s Webinar - Episode 4

New Grower’s Webinar - Episode 4

A Day on the Farm - Part 1, with Jeremy Smith and Paul Dalley

Wednesday 19 February, 5:30-6:30pm AEDT

This is the 4th Episode of a 7-part webinar series designed to help new growers understand some of the ins and outs as they plan and manage their farms.    

Episode 4 features the return of host Jeremy Smith, leading horticulture teacher, consultant and wildflower grower, speaking again with Paul Dalley, a well-known and highly respected wildflower grower based in Kempsey, NSW.  Jeremy and Paul will be discussing some of the basics of daily life on a flower farm.  The focus in this episode, Part 1, is general crop management including plant nutrition and pest and disease management.  We invite participants to submit your questions in advance to help guide the discussion.  Questions can be submitted either as part of the registration process and/or via email to  


We look forward to seeing you on line and continuing the learning! 


 WildFlowers Australia members – Free  

     (Must be a fully paid member of WildFlowers Australia)  

Non-members - $44 registration fee (incl GST, non-refundable)  

      (This includes members of Wildflower Industry Network – WIN)  


Members MUST register to receive the relevant link for the webinar!  

  Please note, registration will close at 12noon on Wednesday 19 February.   


More on the New Growers Webinar Series…..  

The remaining 3 episodes of the New Growers Webinar series will be aired on the 3rd Wednesday of each of the following months.  Topics to be covered include A Day on the Farm – Part II, looking at pruning, picking and post-harvest care, followed by finance and marketing strategies (Episode 6) and knowing your markets (Episode 7). Keep an eye on our Events Page for updates.   


More on our speakers…..  

Jeremy Smith  


Jeremy Smith is a leading horticulture teacher and consultant and a passionate wildflower grower.  Jeremy has been involved in the horticulture industry for over 40 years, starting in the nursery business where he worked across retail, wholesale and propagation operations.   He began his teaching career in the early 2000s at TAFE NSW.  He’s known for his innovative teaching approach that includes plenty of hands-on experimentation and problem solving.  He applies all that he knows at his own farm, The Wildflower Farm Somersby, which has now been producing and exporting flowers for over 30 years.    


Paul Dalley  


Paul Dalley is a highly respected wildflower grower with years of experience in the industry.  After working as a beekeeper in the early ‘70s, Paul moved to a bush block near Kempsey and started his farm, Mountain Nursery. At first growing from seeds, he built small greenhouses and the business progressed to producing flowering pots for supermarkets and then cut flowers sold to florists.  I  


In 1986, Paul diversified into Australian native wildflowers, aiming to sell to the then thriving export market.  After some failures with climatically unsuited plants from Western Australia, Paul switched focus to east coast natives and has expanded from there. He now grows a range of natives for domestic and international markets, from Christmas Bells to Christmas Bush, Flannel Flower, Kangaroo Paw, Banksia and more.    


Paul was one of the original organisers of WildFlowers Australia and has served on its board and as President.  He is known for his generosity in helping new and fellow growers.  You can see the magic of his flowers on Instagram @mountainfloral2022 and @mtn.nurserywildflowers.   

26 October

Recent Event: WildFlowers Australia Farm Visit: New South Wales

26 March

New Grower’s Webinar - Episode 5